EPI Geophysics has developed a systematic approach to assessing archaeological sites using geophysical methods. The approach begins with a comprehensive 2-D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey along with an Electromagnetic Induction (EM) survey of the entire project area.

The GPR survey will yield an assortment of discrete anomalies of varying sizes and depths which are marked on the ground with flags. The EM survey collects both “in-phase” and “conductivity” data at two to three different frequencies which are presented as geo-referenced color contour maps. Following the results of these two surveys, we access the area(s) most likely to be the focus of the archaeological testing and then conduct a 3-D GPR survey which will allow a unique look at the subsurface features in a variety of depth slices down to around six feet.
This is a great method to image building foundations, grave shafts, privies, refuse pits, wells, etc. If the client requests it, we can also add a metal detector survey of the entire project area.