We were contracted by the Branchburg Historical Society to conduct a geophysical investigation to locate the subsurface remains of an 18th century Dutch church in Branchburg, New Jersey at the intersection of Old York Road and North Branch River Road. Our Geophysicists Paul McLeod (EM) and Robert Wiencek (GPR) used GSSI SIR-4000 RADAR SYSTEM with 350 HS antenna, GSSI – EM Profiler (multi-frequency EM conductivity meter), and TRIMBLE Geo7X GPS.

A clay tobacco pipe stem, along with oyster shells, were located on the ground surface during field reconnaissance just outside the geophysical project area This may indicate a potential archaeological site. The above photo shows the historic marker located in the project area. The marker describes the history of the Dutch church built on the site in the early 18th century.