EPI recently attended a GSSI Academy advanced three-day workshop in Nashua, New Hampshire focusing on the use of GSSI’s Radan© 3D software. Radan© is the most advanced GPR post processing software on the market. The software was designed to process, view, and document GPR data collected with GSSI radar systems. The class taught GPR signal processing, advanced 3D imaging, and the use of interactive analysis tools. This 3D software can be used for both archaeological and utility mapping.

In archaeological projects, the software can reveal 3D views of such features as graves, buried walkways and roads, privies, and building foundations. In utility projects, the software can produce 3D views of underground piping including water, gas, sewer, and electric lines along with underground storage tanks (USTs).

A GSSI Radan© 3D mapping example of GPR data collected of underground piping.